
Freitag, 28. Februar 2014

Today is a wonderful day....

After 2 hard weeks, filled with tears, sorrow and pain, i had a great day today.
I got a call from our radio station (BB-Radio) that we are listening to, during work. Last friday i was taking part on a competition for 2 flight tickets to London and 200 € pocket money! And today they called me, to tell me that i have won.....
Great, isn't it!?
I asked my dad if he would like to come with me. He said yes. I think this will be a good relief for us.
I am such a "great Britain Fan" and ,of course, i love London. I have been there one time in 1997 and it was to less time to see all the interesting thing.
So today i was looking for a good and not so expensive hotel. I was also looking through my London guidebooks to think about where i would like to go to.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hey Jane. I am glade that u can smile again a little. Wish u an nice stay in London.

